Strategic management simulation for financial services cooperatives
The Alphonse and Dorimène Desjardins International Institute for Cooperatives develops simulations intended for the strategic and operational management of financial services cooperatives. In this context, a project called Str@tégiCA has been developed for Crédit Agricole, in partnership with the Institut de Formation du Crédit Agricole Mutuel (IFCAM).
What is Str@tégiCA?
The Str@tégiCA simulation allows participants to develop a strategic vision for the management of a retail bank. Designed to incorporate the features of a caisse régionale of the Crédit Agricole Group and its market, Str@tégiCA can also be used generically.
An interactive online tool
The participants, organized into executive committees, manage their caisse régionale under fictitious but realistic conditions, by taking control of all strategic functions of the caisse. Participants determine strategic direction and make decisions concerning resources allocation for all major management functions: products, marketing, sales, distribution, human resources, risk management, assets and liabilities management, including liquidity and capital. The training offered with the Str@tégiCA tool alternates between theoretical modules and practical case studies through the implementation of the management of a caisse régionale using the simulation. The concepts and settings are adapted according to the audience profile and the expectations of the participants.
Types of participants targeted for the Str@tégiCA training
Overview of Str@tégiCA
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Use of the simulation in various contexts
Str@tégiCA provides a flexible tool that can be used as standard, or that can be adapted to the needs and environments of other types of financial services cooperatives.

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