In 2024, the team from the Circular and Social Economy Association of IICADD launched a call for participation to cooperatives worldwide for data collection aimed at researching the relationship between the circular economy and cooperatives from two perspectives: identifying relevant cases and analyzing public policies linking these two concepts. The call for participation included a survey, with a prize of 1,000 CAD.

Today, IICADD is pleased to announce that the winning cooperative is Mulleres Colleiteiras S. Coop. This Spanish non-profit cooperative is made up of women in vulnerable situations. Born from the work of the NGO “Arquitectura sin Fronteras” in the shantytowns of A Coruña, it is dedicated to the collection and management of used domestic vegetable oil, as well as the installation and maintenance of containers. It currently has an extensive network of public and private entities in the province of A Coruña, with which it collaborates, including: Compostela Inserta, EDAR de Bens, Fundación Emalcsa, Vegalsa and Alcampo supermarkets, Estrella Galicia, and INDITEX.

Congratulations to Mulleres Colleiteiras!

*Did you know?

*Survey responses came from all over the world and have allowed the creation of the first online collection on circular economy and cooperatives on PortailCoop:!

*This project was funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) under the leadership of IICADD.