The IICADD is thrilled to unveil its brand-new logo, which embodies its evolution and vision for the future. This logo represents not only its identity but also its commitment to cooperation, mutuality, and fidelity to its core values.

We drew inspiration from the idea of a link, representing the IICADD as an essential element that shapes and supports the cooperative movement. The hexagons facing each other symbolize openness and collaboration in education, research, and the sharing of knowledge about cooperatives and mutuals. The two shapes are open and equal in size, reflecting the cooperative values of mutual aid, equality, fairness, solidarity, and openness.

Color symbolisms:

  • Aqua symbolizes discovery, exploration, and sharing. It represents PortailCoop, which aims to promote access, development, and sharing of knowledge about cooperatives and mutuals in the digital era.
  • Green symbolizes hope and renewal, representing the student community. This area of activity focuses on equipping the student community and faculty with tools related to cooperatives and mutuals.
  • Blue, symbolically, evokes elevation, thought, and unity. It represents research and is a nod to the blue of HEC Montréal. This research activity area aims to inspire, lead, and support research on the cooperative and mutualist movement.
  • Coral symbolizes travel and adventure, representing transfer activities such as training or simulations. This area of activity focuses on developing, adapting, and disseminating knowledge about the management of cooperatives and mutuals.

We would like to extend our gratitude to our entire community, which has been supporting us for many years.